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2014 Sudden Cardiac Arrest Survivors Reunion

Friday, September 4, 2015

(Story from the New Castle County Paramedics's Facebook page.)

The New Castle County Paramedics hosted the 2nd Annual Sudden Cardiac Arrest Survivors Reunion at the Public Safety Headquarters. County Executive Thomas P. Gordon, Director of Public Safety Joseph Bryant, Jr. and Chief Lawrence Tan joined in recognizing the efforts of citizens in our community that stopped to assist a victim, dispatchers that coached the delivery of CPR over the phone, police officers and firefighters that responded and provided CPR or delivered a shock with an AED, and the County Paramedics that provided advanced life support care to someone that suffered an out-of-hospital sudden cardiac arrest. Personnel from 4 EMS agencies, 12 fire companies, 5 police agencies, the emergency communications center and 26 citizens were cited for coming to the aid of someone in need. Several of the survivors that attended the event commented that it was the first time they had heard the complete story of the response to their incident. Congratulations to all those that were recognized at the event. 


The Volunteer Hose Company of Middletown had four members recognized at this event:

FF/EMT Brian Keszler

Captain Mike Hilliard

Firefighter Bob Weber

Lieutenant Eric Lindstrom


Congrats and a job well done! 

FF/EMT Brian Keszler (L) and Firefighter Bob Weber (R)
Views: 66
Captain Mike Hilliard
Views: 91
Lieutenant Eric Lindstrom
Views: 79
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