Drill With Delmarva Power - Mt Pleasant Substation
Thursday, September 3, 2015
The Volunteer Hose Company participated in a drill with Delmarva Power to test their emergency procedures. The training involved a worker that had been electrocuted while repairing equipment. His partner placed a 911 call and the dispatch center sent our units to treat and transport the patient. Ambulance A-1 came from our Churchtown Road station and Rescue 27 came from our main station in town. They quickly located the site worker and established safety zones so that they could assess the patient without harming anyone else. The patient was packaged and loaded in the ambulance and the drill was completed. A wrap up session followed the drill to cover any lessons learned.
Thank you to Delmarva Power for including us in their drill and thanks also to the the New Castle County 911 Center for their participation.